Authors |
Konopkin Alexey Mikhaylovich, Candidate of philosophy, associate professor, sub-department of philosophy
and cultural science, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, senior staff scientist, Office of Scientific Research,
Ulyanovsk State University (4 100-letiya so dnya rozhdeniya Lenina square, Ulyanovsk, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Expansion of parascience becomes an actual social problem, because parascience is a complex of mystical practices, covering medicine, science, religion and politics. Therefore, estimation of this activity appears to be topical for the state. However, there are only a small number of decision-precedents for some issues, such as court decisions on claims for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution. Therefore, of special interest are the resolutions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, because it appears tobe the first official complete parascience discussion.
Materials and methods. The analytical method is applied to session materials and PACE resolutions. The resolution considers genetic engineering that changes the human genome, alternative medicine, the diagnosis of mental disorders of children, creationism in education. PACE also reflects on resolutions about the historical truth
and pseudoscience discussed, including hearing about Soviet communism, gives their brief assessment.
Results. The article shows that the PACE resolutions are valuable and objective, as they represent both points of view. It shows the real state of problems and solutions in accordance with the resolutions of PACE. The author identifies weaknesses and mistakes in PACE materials. In addition, the researcher reveals the relationship of PACE to science, analyzes the difficulty of balanced solution and democratic debate about the para- and pseudo-science.
Conclusions. PACE is an important mediator to resolve many issues at the frontiers of science, society, politics. The materials of PACE decisions should be used in the legislative practice not just in the EU, but also in Russia. Decisions on many issues and solutions are needed, and PACE provides the necessary precedents.
References |
1. Genetic engineering. PACE Recommendation 934, 26 January 1982. Available at: http://www.assembly. ASP/XRef/X2H-DW-XSL.asp?fileid=14968&lang=EN(accessed 15 August 2013).
2. A European approach to non-conventional medicines. PACE – Report Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee, 11 June 1999. Available at: doc99/edoc8435.htm (accessed 10 August2013).
3. Marchione M. Associated Press. 2009. Available at: (accessed 12 July 2013).
4. Coghlan A. Stop funding homeopathy, say British MPs. 2010, 23 February. Available at:–stop–funding–homeopathy–say–british–mps.html (accessed 13 August 2013).
5. Controlling the diagnosis and treatment of hyperactive children in Europe. PACE – Report Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee, 7 May 2002. Available at: WorkingDocs/doc02/EDOC9456.htm (accessed 15 August 2013).
6. Controlling the diagnosis and treatment of hyperactive children in Europe. PACE –Recommendation 1562, 2002. Available at: Text/ta02/EREC1562.htm (accessed 15 August 2013).
7. The dangers of creationism in education. PACE resolution 1580 (35th sitting), 4 October 2007. Available at: Text/ta07/ERES1580.htm (accessed 15 August 2013).